Xtreme Baseball (Double Diamond Baseball) is a patented (USPTO) game that was created in
2006 and introduced to the public in 2007 through a series of exhibition games that were
held in the central Florida area. In 2008 the leagues Florida South Division's
had its official inaugural season with four teams competing and continued its second
season in 2009. Both seasons proved to be successful among the players and
fans involved validating this new sports as an exciting legitimate way to play baseball.
Click here for the leagues complete timeline
In 2010, the NXBL began its 4th season. The league utilized a new variation of
the original extreme Format for its 2010 season called "Double Diamond" The
newer format has proven to be the most accepted version among the players and fans. This
format maintains the integrity of traditional baseball at the same time enhancing the
games excitement level by creating more base running and fielding scenarios. The 2011
season marks the 5th season which may include expansion teams/divisions in the NE
and other US regions. The long-term goal of the NXBL is to have World-Wide
recognition of the sport, television coverage in the United States and Abroad, and
team ownership in major cities in which teams will compete on a Regional and National
Photo Above taken from 1st (Exhibition)
Season 2007 @ Tinker Field utilizing the 1st
Xtreme Version where both teams played on the field at the same time.
For additional rules and visual explanation, please see:
Field Layout and General Rules
To modify an ordinary baseball field to play Double Diamond Baseball is very easy to
set up. We utilize field tested applications in order to transform an ordinary baseball
field easily to the modifications necessary to play this format. These modifications can
be done in approx. 30 minutes which do not alter or cover any of the pre
existing grass areas of the field and also does not require any changes made to the
existing pitchers mound or home plate. (new revised field set up) Furthermore, none of the
modifications made cause any damage to the pre exiting field in any way and can easily be
brought back to its original state in approx. 30min. The simplicity of the general field
setup can be compared to how fields are switched from baseball to softball modifications
and dimensions.
The game was created by Phil Weidner who has played baseball for over 30
years. His love for the game of baseball began when he was just three years old as he
watched his father play Semi-Professional ball in his hometown of Alexandria, VA. After
the Weidner family moved south to Omrond Beach, Florida in 1967, Phil followed in the
tradition of most boys his age by playing little league. From that time forward, he has
been hooked on the game. The love of the sport as a child, developed into a dream to
someday become a professional baseball player. The passion remained with Phil as he
continued to play through high school and into adulthood in a local, men's amateur
baseball league. In 2006, he created Xtreme Baseball. One of his main motivations for
creating the game was to even the playing field for left handers. With the new game
format, left handers can play the same positions as right handers. Finally, in 2007,
the National Xtreme Baseball League was created and introduced to fans of all ages. Phil
respects traditional baseball full heartily with the intent to compliment
traditional baseball by providing an alternative way to play and watch the game.

Phil Weidner
The NXBL uses the Servant-Leadership method which is a practical philosophy which
supports people who choose to serve first, and then lead as a way of expanding service to
individuals and institutions. Servant-leaders may or may not hold formal leadership
positions. Servant-leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and
the ethical use of power and empowerment. Robert Greenleaf, the man who coined the phrase,
described servant-leadership in this way. The servant-leader is servant first
It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious
choice brings one to aspire to lead. He or she is sharply different from the person who is
leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire
material possessions. For such it will be a later choice to serve after leadership
is established. The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them
there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature. The
difference manifest itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other
peoples highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to
administer , is: do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become
healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And,
what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least,
will they not be further deprived?
Large corporation who operate this way include AT&T, Harvard Business
School, Herman Miller, Toro Company, Southwest Airlines, TDIndustries, Starbucks Coffee,
Men's Warehouse, ServiceMaster, and others.
SOME XTREME FANS @ Tinker Field in Orlando FL
