
(Inaugural Logo from 2018)
Ormond Beach Live is the largest music festival held in the cities history.
It is held at the Casements, Rockefeller Gardens and Furtunato park featuring over 100 acts at 12 Stages.
Its Inagural festival was held in Oct 13th 2018
Inagural Press Release
June 1, 2018
For Immediate Release
Title: A New Event is Coming to Ormond Beach
The Songwriters Showcases of America, a non
profit performance arts organization will be celebrating
its 19th year Anniversary and having its 41st Music
Festival in Ormond Beach this Fall on Oct 13th at the
Casements and Rockefeller Gardens. The event is called
Ormond Beach Live Original Music & Art Festival and will
feature 10 stages and consist off over 100 original
music acts comprising mostly of Rock, Folk, Jazz and
Country music. The event will also consist of a
community stage which will feature musical acts from
area schools, churches and choral groups etc. Additional
after hour stages at local nearby venues are also being
planned. In addition to the live music featured at the
festival the event will also feature over 40 artist
display booths, various trade booths, food court, beer
garden and kid zone
The SSA is going back to Ormond Beach where they held
there first anniversary festival on Sept 30, 2000 which
then consisted of 3 stages and 25 acts and was held at
the former Ormond Central Perk and Baileys River Bridge
Church ( a city owned building used for small events and
meetings). Since then over the next 18 years the SSA has
done most of its annual festivals in Downtown Deland
(twice a year in spring and fall) in addition to Main
Street Live in Daytona (once a year in Feb.) They also
have done festivals previously at the Bandshell in
Daytona Beach, Downtown Jacksonville, and the East &
West Villages in New York City.
The SSA's president and founder Phil Weidner grew up in
Ormond Beach and is excited to be bringing a festival
back to his native town as well as to where the SSA held
its first festival. He remembers as a kid going to art
festival's at the former Ormond Hotel in the 70's and
watching the live music held there. Although the hotel
is now gone the Casements and Rockefeller Gardens will
certainly be a great location to have this festival. The
inaugural Ormond Beach Live will certainly be the
largest music festival ever held in the city. The
organization intends to invite acts back who played at
the 1st festival in addition to acts that have performed
throughout the years in addition to featuring new up and
coming acts.

SSA President-Phil Weidner