Volunteer Sign Up FORM




Please fill out the following information if you wish to vollunteer at the festival on 4/12 in DeLand.

After submiting the form someone will contact you shortly. THANKS!!!!

City:St.Zip Code
Phone # E-Mail:
Interns: (School Attending) (optional)

If you have any special skills that you feel would be benificial please list here.

Times you can help:
(4 hour Min is required)
Please type what shift or shifts you can help at:
Shifts are Sat 4/12:
8am-11am (hard labor and general labor set up)
11am-3pm (hard labor and general labor set up)
12:30-4:30 (Ticket Takers, Gate Monitor, General Assistance)
4pm-8pm (Ticket Takers, Gate Monitor, General Assistance)
7:30pm-11pm (Ticket Takers, Gate Monitor, General Assistance)
12am-3am (hard labor and general labor) Stage Strike and general clean up)
Optional Shifts
Friday 4/11 2PM-11pm (Hard Labor/General Labor) Stage and Fence Set Up
Sunday 4/13 5am-2pm (Hard Labor/General Labor) Stage Strike and general clean up


All Volunteers receive one meal and drink per 4 hours worked.


Volunteers should check in at the Main Gate table located on W Indiana Ave  infront of Halfwall Beer House Saturday April 12TH

Friday and Sunday check in locations will be emailed or text to you.












Songwriters Showcases of America
  (C) 2000-2021