Vendor & Artist Space Orders
Please fill out the following information to reserve vendor space
(See prices listed below
Name: Address: City:St.Zip Code Phone # Cell Phone # E-Mail: Website(if any): Referred by (if applicable) Vendors: What items are you wanting to sell: Are you selling Original Art? Are You Profit or Non Profit:
-Outside Vendors spaces are 10x10 -Will need to provide your own tables, chairs, lighting, tents (optional for outside vending) -Electric is provided for all vendors.-Should Bring at least 100 feet of extension cords
-Set up times are between 9am-noon. Must be set up by noon. Gates open at 12:30. -Breakdown is officially 11p however early breakdown is allowed if you ask for approval a head of time. -All vendors receive 4 vendor passes to enter gated /admission areas. If you have more then 4 people you will need to purchase tickets at to enter these areas.
Payment Method Information: Please select your payment method OR ART SPACE OPTION Credit Card/PayPal Mail Check
After selecting payment method press the submit button and then follow payment instructions on the following page.
Copyright 2000-2018 Songwriters Showcases of America