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SSA's 2024
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Coming soon to downtown DeLand! Look for our Grand Opening in February 2014!

Georgia Ave street stage



Do you like to see and hear great live music? Do you like to Rock Out? Do you like to have fun, eat great food, drink, meet new people, get a little crazy, laugh, be inspired, get outdoors, breath fresh air, bond with a love one, entertain or be entertained, relax, find satisfaction, stroll city streets, enyoy yourself, explore new things, spend quality time with your friends & family, and on and on and on.....................................................??????????????????????????
If you answered yes to all or one of above questioned then you will want to attend this event!
25th Annual


Nov. 15th, 2025
Over 130 Acts on 20 Stages

A 12 hour Original Music & Art Festival
consisting of:
Rock, Folk, Blues, Americana, Jazz, Country, Metal and more
Also: Art Displays, Food Trucks, Beer Gardens and more

A Monumental Celebration of the Creativity of Music & Art!

Pets are ok at all outside stages




Sponsored By:


and also available at:
108 S Woodland Blvd.
138 W . International Speedway Blvd..
Daytona Beach


2024 Acts
To inquire about submitting to perform at the festival send email HERE
Please include audio weblink or file


Dan Walters- singer songwriter, Ormond Beach
Butch Batts & The Southbound Band- Southern Rock Country, Williston FL
Lords of Surf- Surf Rock, Ormond Beach https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?
Ryders Night- Acoustic, Daytona beach, FL https://www.facebook.com/rise.spartan.7
Mike Quick- Americana, DELAND http://www.mikequickband.com
Sparks In The Garden- acoustic rock, Jacksonville https://sparksinthegarden.com/
The Lightning Rods- Blues/Folk/Rock/Jazz/Country, USA, www.facebook.com/The-Lightning-Rods
Rich Allen Music- Indie folk, Tampa https://richallenmusic.com
HOLLIS DORIAN- Southern Rock/Country, Deltona
 Vermilion Sun- Rock, Jacksonville https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063639097868 
Jay "Blue Jay" Jourden- Jazzy Blues Rock Jax https://jjourden.com
Audio Exchange- Pop/Rock Orlando https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIS1DxL-S0VGh2g6QvG_uQ
Jason VanDeMaat- Acoustic/Rock/Pop, Deltona http://facebook.com/JasonVMusicman
The Mixies- Pop, Atlanta www.themixies.com
j and the 9s Punk n roll Daytona Beach http://www.jandthe9s.com
Prison Wine- Urban Southern Rock, Orlando https://prisonwineband.com/
Banjoe Steve- Multi-Genre World Jamband Fusion, St Pete, FL https://reverbnation.com/Banjoesteve
Leather & Lace- Alternative Rock,Miami http://leatherandlacerock.com
Holy Human- Psych Rock Ormond Beach, https://holyhuman.bandcamp.com
Rose Kithara- Rock, Ormond Beach https://rosekitharaband.com
Steve Davis Uno Project- Folk, Ormond beach, https://duodead.com
Timberwood- Singer-Songwriter, Acoustic, Saint Augustine https://ReverbNation.com/timberwoodmusic
Ashes Of Elysium- Metalcore, Titusville
Billy Broughton- Originals,Country,Classic Rock & Oldies Port Orange https://youtube.com/@billybmusic635
Tommy Sellers- Acoustic Fusion, Ormond Beach https://www.facebook.com/tommy.sellers.52
Gingersnap- pop, st augustine https://www.youtube.com/@gingersnap6183
ArrogantAnt- HipHop/Rap Daytona https://soundcloud.com/arrogantant
Tr3bel-Hip hop Daytona, FL https://tr3bel93.bandcamp.com/album/the-pressure-2?
Las Sardinas- Jam band, Cocoa Beach FL
Kimberly Shead- Alternative rock, Pop, acoustic, Orlando https://www.instagram.com/kimberlysheadmuzic=
Kristie DeLuca- Roots Rock, Sanford, FL
Blind Carbon Ccopy- Folk rock, Deland

Allavie- Indie Pop, Mount Dora https://www.AllavieMusic.com

Closer To The End- Rock, Orlando https://www.closertotheend.com
Tony Mawdesley-Alt rock, indie rock, acoustic singer songwriter, DeLand https://www.facebook.com/boxrattlermusic
Testimony Muzic- Christian hip-hop/ hip hop, Deland
BL00.J4Y- Hip Hop, Orlando, FL
XpeakerBox- Rock, Ocala https://brand.page/xpeakerbox
The Toxic Cats- Rock and Reggae, Orlando  https://thetoxiccats.com/
The Barefoot Hunters- Blues Rock, DeLand
Destiny Sewell- Alternative, Melbourne https://destinysewell.com/
Mother Medicine Music- Rock, Winter Springs https://mothermedicinemusic.org +
 Ora Street Mission Band- Rock, Ormond Beach https://www.orastreetmissionband.com
THRAKA! THRAKA! THRAKA! HEAVY, The Depths of Titusville https://www.facebook.com/Thrakax3?
Outlaw Tendencies- Power rock, Port Saint Lucie https://outlawtendencies.com
Ted Scallan and Delta Boogie- Rocking Rythm and Blues, Leesburg, Florida Facebook/TedScallanAndDeltaBoogie
Shane Johns Project - Alternative/Acoustic/Rock, Wewahitchka FL http://www.shanejohnsproject.com/
Blanders- Blues/Punk/Alt Rock, Deland https://blandersband.com

The Wasted Miracles- Kissimmee https://www.reverbnation.com/artist/thewastedmiracles

Anthony Pierce- Instrumental Progressive Metal St. Augustine https://www.anthonypiercemusic.com/

Kissing Betty- Rock & Roll, Ormond Beach(website N/A)
Scotti Sevven- Alt. Rock, Orlando (website N/A)
Tom Hill Trio- Blues/Rock, Daytona,

Hand Me Down Rhythm HMDRrock,sanford https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090537991629
Terence Corrigan- Folk, Daytona Beach https://www.youtube.com/@TerenceCorrigan01
Emory- Indie/Folk, St Augustine WWW.emorymusic.com
Jezus Martinez- Hip-Hop- Flagler Beach, FL https://jezusmartinez.bandcamp.com
Eric Jordan- Indie acoustic , Orlando https://open.spotify.com/artist/
Empress Kirsten- Hip hop, Daytona Beach (website N/A)
Debi Lynn Phillips & Company- Christian Rock / Soft Rock / Folk / Blues/Jazz / RB, Palm Harbor
Zen Fuse Box- Alternative Rock, Largo, FL  https://www.zenfusebox.com 
Dabs and Daiquiris Rock / Singer Songwriter, Sorrento www.williamnelson10.wixsite.com/dabs-and-daiquiris  
Diamond Dupree- rock, Ormond Beach https://www.diamonddupree.com
JOE HILTON-COUNTRY, DELAND http://www.HiltonEntertainment.com 
The Doomsday Survivors- Folk/Bluegrass/Country- Daytona Beach
May Tatro Alt, bedroom pop, Port Orange chvxsofficial.wixsite.com)

Rachel Harness- Acoustic, Daytona
Mike Rocha- Rock/Blues St Augustine www.Smokarocha.com
Greg Davidson- Acoustic Alternative/Live Looping, Daytona Beach
Requiem For Delinquency- electronic rock, Orlando https://requiemusic.com 
Robert & Thomas Svilpa- acoustic progressive rock, Orlando https://robertsvilpamusic.bandcamp.com
Adam Cotton- Acoustic Rock, Jacksonville
Truth About Wolves- Rock, Orlando
Break Away- Rock, Daytona Beach https://thebreakawayband
Bill Ricci with Gail Brown- Singer Songwriter / Americana, Jacksonville
Random Eagles- rock,blues jazz,folk Daytona

Just A Few Frogs- Christian Rock Orlando  https://www.justafewfrogs.com/

Aconitia- Pop, Ormond Beach https://www.youtube.com/channel/
Robbie Bell-Country, Daytona Beach, FL

Aerosol Falls- Rock, Deltona https://www.instagram.com/aerosolfalls/

The BellTowers- Folk Rock, 60s influenced  Orlando https://www.facebook.com/thebelltowers?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Bryant and Holloway- Folk , Americana, Winter Garden BryantAndHollowayMusic 
 !!!Curb Alert!!! alternative acoustic rock Tampa https://curbalerttunage.com/
The Dreaming Insomniacs-Alternative,  Daytona Beach https://linktr.ee/thedreaminginsomniacs
Big Picture- Folk-Rock/Alternative, Odessa, FLhttps://www.facebook.com/bigpicturemusic
The Pinko Beats Post Punk/Alt Rock, Orlando www.thepinkobeats.com

O. Kheir Fiddlescapes- Folk,Americana, Daytona https://www.facebook.com
Glyce- Hip Hop, Staten Island NY https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/glyce1/undivided-attention-2

Irresistible Force Paradox (IFP) - Hip hop, Daytona Beach  https://youtube.com/@seansavsolaedwards1637?si=8p6MvelrLUhC6WWY
Teri's Tunes- Popular Acoustic Rock, https://www.facebook.com/TeriLilDynamite
Zip On Acid- Electronic Breakbeat techno, Port Orange https://www.youtube.com/@ZipSnipe/featured

Mike & Vin-  Alternative/rap/pop, Palm Coast, FL https://instagram.com/mikexvin  

The Silver Alert- Blues, Rock, Deltona (website N/A) http://www.youtube.com/@PHGduo
[AKA] harley- Beach Goth, Ocala https://akaharley.hearnow.com
dALEdARK-  Folk/Rock, Mount Dora https://www.youtube.com/@MrDaledark
Anthony Pierce- Instrumental Progressive Metal, St.
Augustine https://www.anthonypiercemusic.com/
Bryan Raymond- Indie singer/songwriter, DeLand https://youTube.com/@bryanraymondmusic 
 Nicholas kemp- Reggae rock , Daytona beach (website N/A)
Raichyl Sinversa- Pop/Alternative, Jacksonville www.Raichylsinversa.com
Shuntai- Reggae, Oviedo  https://shuntaimusic.com

Boone Chief-  Rap/Hip Hop, Daytona Beach Fl (website N/A)

Christin Alynn- Singer/Songwriter, Palm Harbor https://www.christinalynnmusic.com

The Midnight Suns- Soulful Beachy Southern Hippy Vibe, Daytona Beach

THE FEATHERS - KEVIN HAHN - KC COTE - Acoustic groove rock Americana Daytona Beach Florida

Anthony R. Smith- Singer-Songwriter/indie-folk, Orlando https://open.spotify.com/artist/
Chris Gollon- indie, Flagler Beach (website N/A)

Ian Kelly and The Volunteers- LoFi folk rock, Daytona

Phillyfish- Rock / Alternative, Ormond Beach

Aiden Scar- Hip-Hop/Rap, Inverness https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/aidenscar 
Little Lazy- Blues rock/alternative, Orlando www.Littlelazymusic.com

Batsavage-  Instrumental Rock, Lutz, FL https://open.spotify.com/artist

StormCraft- Techno Metal, Deland https://www.stormcraftband.com
Jesse James-Violin, DeLand, FL https://www.facebook.com/jesse.james.9619

 Faithie B- Pop, Country, Davenport http://www.reverbnation.com/open_graph/artist/5443384 
ILmatix-Hip Hop, Daytona
zasxee- Indie Alternative, St. Petersburg http://www.zasxee.com
SAVANNAH SAVINO- Acoustic Soul with a twist, Daytona Beach https://www.instagram.com/savannahsavinomusic?

Bryant and Holloway- Folk, Winter Garden http://BryantAndHollowayMusic.com
Art Carter Band- Country/Americana, Orlando, FL. https://artcarter.com
MzzBrownSugar- Singer-Songwriter,R&B,Pop,Hip-Hop, Jacksonville www.mzzbrownsugar.com
Peter Hoffmann-  https://www.instagram.com/petermhoffmann/

Zenith- Alternative/ Hard Rock, South Daytona, https://linktr.ee/Ze_nith

Ironspryinstrumentals- Progressive instrumental metal, rock, alternative rock, Port Orange https://linktr.ee/ironsprybrock?utm
Bill Thompson- Acoustic Rock, Kansas City, MO www.billtkc.bandcamp.com  

Lou McNally- Folk / Blues, Ormond Beach (website N/A)
That Guy- Easy listening rock, Winter Springs

Awaystead- Indie Rock, Daytona Beach https://linktr.ee/awaystead
Logan Downs- Solo Acoustic, Palm Harbor www.logan-downs.com
Jax Street- Folk, Jacksonville https://www.facebook.com/groups/2874530982842101/
 Mitar- improv rock, Deltona www.mitar.bandcamp.com

Phylo Zoet- Blues/Indie/Folk/Alternative, Daytona Beach, FL









Songwriters Showcases of America


DeLand Original Music & Art Festival
(c) 2024 SSA www.ssa.cc